This is a highly opinionated article, and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of the STEP Program, or its members (well, except this member). I wanted to write this article for the following reason:
STEP is a program that teaches life skills to youth using unique methods that encourage children to express themselves, and share their life’s lessons with their peer groups. Very simple strategy that has proven itself to be highly effective. Give children the tools and guidance, and they will build something great. One of the greatest things we can do for future generations, is teaching our children to teach both themselves, and others.
I was reading an article at MSNBC about a recent poll that showed the majority of Americans feel their children are not being properly educated for life. I wonder why? There is obviously a very large debate on how much “life skills” preparation a child should receive through the public education system. This stems mainly from the various stances that schools should shy away from addressing any issues which may be based upon moral or religious views that differ from those opinions taught in the child’s home. When you have 30-50 Students in the classroom, it would be difficult not to step on any toes, so I guess teachers just avoid a lot of the topics.
Bear in mind that I do not place all of the blame on teachers, but also on the parents, school boards, curriculum, and No Child Left A Dime… err, I mean, No Child Left Behind.
- If you do not feel your child should receive “proper” sex education (or similar) at school, then step up to the plate and do the job yourself. Every power a parent takes from the school, should become the parents responsibility (When did it stop?)
- School Boards – Teachers should not be paid based on performance of their pupils. This places the wrong type of stress on a teacher. Stop trying to use your poor hiring practices as a way to help your budget. All teachers should be paid well, and entrusted to do a good job… If they can’t, fire them.
- The Curricula is developed with a “lowest common denominator” attitude. Every child is unique, every lesson is understood differently. The same 5 textbooks crammed into the heads of an entire classroom in the exact same fashion will always result in only a small percentage of success stories. Not only does every child learn differently, but every teacher teaches differently. The cookie cutter model isn’t cutting it.
- No Child Left Behind… I’ll save most of this one for another opinionated article later. Basically, this program single-handedly removed most of the few items that were actually working for America’s Public Education System. The last 2 items I mention above, blame them mostly on NCLB. Want to know why children hate going to school now more than ever… NCLB. Want to know why social skills are declining and youth are spending so much time on myspace/facebook… NCLB.. thats what happens when you scrap recess and replace it with more standardized testing.
Ok.. enough of the ranting here..