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Protect the Butterflies

As the weather cools off, it’s the best time to be on Hilton Head Island.  It’s also the best time to collect some memories by helping to sustain the endangered butterflies in our community.  You can do just that by joining STEP members working in the Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard.

Fun, casual after school programs help young people gain an appreciation for not only saving endangered butterflies, but also learning inventive eco-friendly practices by becoming responsible stewards of their environment.  STEP invites new members to experience workshops and programs that offer opportunities to not only MAKE a difference, but to BE the difference.  Evade the ordinary because the metamorposis can be extraordinary.   So join online and discover how your true potential can change you and the world more than you ever imagined!

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Congratulations to everyone who participated in the STEP Butterfly Art Contest. It took some tough decision making (and some time), but here are the artists that were selected to create their art on the aluminum butterflies.  Please leave your comments and praise for each of the talented individuals who participated in the contest. 

Click on an individual art piece’s image to view more information and leave your replies. We do have several options available if you would like to see one of these art pieces on any of the items available in the STEP store

If you wish to have a copy of the image for your personal use, you can make a donation, and designate the title of the art piece you would like to receive. Thanks for all of your support.

The Chosen Artwork: Continue Reading This Article…


This is a highly opinionated article, and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of the STEP Program, or its members (well, except this member).   I wanted to write this article for the following reason:

STEP is a program that teaches life skills to youth using unique methods that encourage children to express themselves, and share their life’s lessons with their peer groups.  Very simple strategy that has proven itself to be highly effective.  Give children the tools and guidance, and they will build something great.  One of the greatest things we can do for future generations, is teaching our children to teach both themselves, and others.

Failing GradeI was reading an article at MSNBC about a recent poll that showed the majority of Americans feel their children are not being properly educated for life.  I wonder why?  There is obviously a very large debate on how much “life skills” preparation a child should receive through the public education system.  This stems mainly from the various stances that schools should shy away from addressing any issues which may be based upon moral or religious views that differ from those opinions taught in the child’s home.  When you have 30-50 Students in the classroom, it would be difficult not to step on any toes, so I guess teachers just avoid a lot of the topics.

Bear in mind that I do not place all of the blame on teachers, but also on the parents, school boards, curriculum, and No Child Left A Dime… err, I mean, No Child Left Behind. Continue Reading This Article…

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Summertime has arrived!  STEP is here to help you enjoy the simple pleasures of the season. You can get a close-up view of one of life’s most amazing mysteries by watching a caterpillar morph into a chrysalis and then become a butterfly. Make a butterfly house out of a half gallon orange juice carton. It’s easy and fun.

  • First wash container very well and leave off cap.
  • Cut a 3 inch hole in each of the four sides.
  • Cover the top and side holes with mesh and tape into place.
  • Now put some fresh parsley, dill, or milkweed inside the carton.
  • Place a cotton ball dipped in sugar water also inside.
  • Now go search plants and bushes for a caterpillar and give it fresh leaves and water everyday.
  • When you find your caterpillar give it some of the same kind of leaves that you find it on.
  • Many butterflies are endangered. Share your winged treasure with family and friends then set it free when it has morphed.

STEP will be sharing how to make your own butterfly garden in upcoming articles this summer. In the meantime enjoy being a responsible and caring steward of our planet by protecting butterfly habitats in your neighborhood.

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Nobel Prize

I discovered this fantastic article today at discussing the curiosity of a young child, and how Children are natural born scientists.   This may come across as somewhat obvious to those of you who are parents, as I’m sure you can recall the many many questions posed to you by your children.  Sometimes they come across as pointless questions, and sometimes by the 28th “why?” in a row, even as antagonizing.

Nevertheless, this questioning is at the core of a childs mind, and it is imperative that we cater to this curiosity to encourage our children to strive after those things that they are passionate about, and to help continuously feed them new knowledge.  At some point, they may not be able to retain information as well, so isn’t it a good idea to share as much information with them as they can take?

What you may sometimes not realize as a parent is that as children grow up, they begin to formulate their own opinions, theories, and proofs.  The scientific method is present in their very existance as a child.. if I cry will I get food?  If I misbehave, will I get attention?  How we respond to a childs actions and questions will determine how they formulate their “truths” in life.  Will they grow up to accept the popular opinion, or that something is impossible, because a President, Pastor, Employer, Peer, etc.. “told them so”, or will they grow up to challenge opinions, even their own, in an effort to seek out higher truths. Continue Reading This Article…

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Wing Thing Butterfly






STEP is a not for profit organization, calling artists to participate in “The Wing Thing”, to benefit STEP programs and The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard. The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard, to be located on the campus of Hilton Head Island High School, will include: story-time benches, an outdoor classroom, a secret garden of discovery, and trellises full of host plants for butterflies – all designed for promoting the importance of conservation in our community.


The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard will encourage caring young people to inspire younger students with positive life skills, while creating a successful life for themselves as they learn to protect the planet.Various Butterflies





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