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Celebrate the the real spirit of Valentine’s Day at the Heart to Heart workshop on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 3:30-5:30 P.M. in The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard at HHIHS.  Join friends and learn about the real cornerstone of friendship — RESPONSIBILITY! This is a unique opportunity for students in grades 1 thru 5 to learn and be inspired about being responsible to not only themselves, their friends and family, but also about responsibly protecting our planet, while having lots of fun at The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard. This workshop will create lasting memories as well as enhance life skills.  In addition to fun stories, games, crafts and tasty snacks, you will learn ways to be a successful person in whatever you do.  The workshop is led by kind and caring high school mentors of STEP, under the guidance of teacher, Laura Gottardo.  Sign up soon because space is limited.  Please fill out the workshop registration web-registration-heart1 and email to confirm your attendance.

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‘Tis the giving season…so come celebrate both the joy of giving and protecting our planet with a special reading of The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein under the live oak tree in the Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard.  This is a unique opportunity for students in grades 1 thru 5 to learn and be inspired about protecting our planet and the importance of sharing, while having a lot of fun in The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard.

This workshop is an experience like no other.  In addition to the special reading, there will be crafts, games caramel apples and oh so much fun.  The fee is only $10.00.  The workshop is led by kind and caring high school mentors of the not for profit organization, Student Training Empowerment Program, A.K.A. STEP. 

The workshop begins after school at 3:30 P.M. and ends at 5:30 P.M.  Please mail the workshop fee of $10.00 and the registration form ASAP to reserve a place at the workshop.  If you have further questions please email,

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“A growing body of scientific evidence links healthy child development to direct experience with the natural world, including stress reduction, heightened senses, longer attention span, enhanced psychological and physical health, and a sense of wonder.”  Richard Louv, recipient of the 2008 Audubon Medal


An Experience for life!

The Student Training Empowerment Program, A.K.A. STEP, is proud to offer a series of workshops for young people in grades 1 through 5 at the Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard beginning on Monday, October 20, 2008 from 3:30 P.M. to 5:30 P.M.  The workshops will be led by Ms. Laura  Gottardo, teacher of the year at Hilton Head High School, along with the assistance of high school STEP members.

The workshops are designed to give young children hands-on experiences as they learn how people can improve or damage the environment, and how their choices can affect the future quality of their lives. Continue Reading This Article…

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STEP will be participating in the Annual Master Garden Tour which will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2008.  This is the first time that a school has been honored to participate.  The time is 10:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M., so mark your calendar to come see the Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard at Hilton Head Island High School. STEP members have created the Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard to help not only to promote protection of endangered butterflies, but to share knowledge with other young people about ways to become responsible stewards of the environment.

STEP members will be on hand to offer home-made lemonade and cookies and to share with you the amazing transformation of Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard.

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A gift that shows how much you care

Whether you adopt-a-butterfly for yourself, a friend or a loved one, you will be helping secure a safer future for endangered butterflies.

Butterflies are essential pollinators that are now threatened by human acitivities and development. By adopting a butterfly with STEP, you are enabling us to continue to support butterfly conservation projects in different communities across our country.

For each ten dollars donated STEP members will plant 10 host food plants for an endangered butterfly species throughout different communities participating in the STEP program. Very few butterflies are as common as they once were. More and more of our landscapes are being built over with asphalt. Host plants are classified as ‘weeds’ and are either being torn out or sprayed with poisons for manicured lawns which as often as not destroy both plant and butterfly. Continue Reading This Article…