STEP is a not for profit organization, calling artists to participate in “The Wing Thing”, to benefit STEP programs and The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard. The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard, to be located on the campus of Hilton Head Island High School, will include: story-time benches, an outdoor classroom, a secret garden of discovery, and trellises full of host plants for butterflies – all designed for promoting the importance of conservation in our community.
The Chrysalis Conservation Courtyard will encourage caring young people to inspire younger students with positive life skills, while creating a successful life for themselves as they learn to protect the planet.
– Congratulations to the artists that were selected to create their art on the aluminum butterflies.The entries are amazing! All entries will soon be able to be viewed on this site and available for sale. Check back in a few days!
– Sponsors of local businesses or individuals will purchase butterflies for $2500 and others of the flock will be auctioned at the Swallowtail Soiree, which is being held this fall. If an artist’s aluminum butterfly is sponsored by a business or individual, that artist will receive $500.
– Students are currently working on landscaping and paving the Chrysalis Courtyard in preparation for the Swallowtail Soiree. People with gardening experience are needed. Please email if you would like to help.
If you would like to sponsor a butterfly, help in the garden,or have any further questions please contact Kathleen at kathleen[at]gostep[dot]org